This is one of the oldest departments in the College. It was established as an independent department in 1958, with research being started in 1965. The main thrust areas of teaching and research are Plant Pathology, Plant Physiology, Cytogenetic & Plant Breeding, Environmental Botany, Plant Biotechnology, Systematic Botany and Allelopathy. Presently teaching activities include under-graduate and post-graduate semester courses and programmes.
Vision and Mission
The vision of the department is to be a centre of excellence in thrust areas of the research and to equip our students to meet the nations demand. The department also intends to expand academic co-operation by offering new courses and upgrading programmes to a wider spectrum of students and researcher
Teaching Staff
S.No. |
Name |
Designation |
Qualification |
Contact No. |
1 |
Dr. Seema M Singh |
Associate.Professor & HOD |
M.Sc. M.Phil. |
094150-97872 |
Supporting Staff
S.No. |
Name |
Designation |
Qualification |
Contact No. |
1 |
Shri Mangal Mali |
Lab Tech. |
99934-85928 |
2 |
Shri Ramkumar Soni |
Peon |
H.S. |